dinsdag 17 september 2013

Today in Small Business: Frauds and Cyber-attacks, Abney and Associates AA Code 85258081704


o The Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission have put together a list of a few popular small-business scams to watch for, including charity pitches: while many charity requests are legitimate, “every year small-business people become victims of fraudulent or deceptive charitable solicitation schemes. Make sure to always check out the charity at give.org.”
o A Home Depot wedding proposal video goes viral.

The Economy

Lawrence H. Summers withdraws from consideration for chairman of the Federal Reserve.
Here’s what might really happen if Congress plays chicken with the debt ceiling.
On the fifth anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, President Obama warns his opponents not to oppose raising the nation’s debt limit, not threaten to close down the government in a budget fight, and not to push to delay the health care law or starve it of federal money.
Gretchen Morgenson thinks little has been done to protect us from another financial collapse: “For all the new regulations governing derivatives, mortgages and bank holding companies, a crucial vulnerability remains. It’s found in our vast and opaque securities-financing system, known as the repurchase obligation or repo market. Now $4.6 trillion in size, it is where almost every financial crisis since the 1980s has begun. Little has been done, however, to reduce its risks.”

Around the Country

On the Jersey Shore, dozens of businesses were destroyed by the recent fire — including a much beloved family business — and many of them did not have fire insurance.


PayPal pledges to overhaul its approach to crowd funding.


Oxford researchers say 45 percent of America’s occupations will be automated within the next 20 years.
A record number of cyber-attacks are targeting small business.
Want your very own Nsa.org e-mail address? It’s only $100.

dinsdag 4 juni 2013

Google Chairman Bankrolls Tech Shop Exclusively for Democrats: Latest Abney and Associates Technology News

I’ve written previously about how embedded Google, Inc. is with the Democratic Party and the Obamasphere in particular.
I was told by many that it was the stuff of tin-foil hats to believe that Google was in the tank for Democrats. They’re just working with clients after all! Why, Romney and Republicans could’ve just as easily worked with them! This isn’t partisan!
Well, now, this is just in from Bloomberg/Businessweek: Google Chairman Eric Schmidt, one of Obama’s biggest boosters, is bankrolling a new for-profit endeavor being run by former Obama tech staffers that will be working exclusively for Democrats, as well as some corporate clients, in future.

“During the 2012 campaign, Barack Obama’s reelection team had an underappreciated asset: Google’s (GOOG) executive chairman, Eric Schmidt. He helped recruit talent, choose technology, and coach the campaign manager, Jim Messina, on the finer points of leading a large organization. “On election night he was in our boiler room in Chicago,” says David Plouffe, then a senior White House adviser. Schmidt had a particular affinity for a group of engineers and statisticians tucked away beneath a disco ball in a darkened corner of the office known as “the Cave.” The data analytics team, led by 30-year-old Dan Wagner, is credited with producing Obama’s surprising 5 million-vote margin of victory.

Schmidt thought enough of the team that when the campaign ended, he put up several million dollars to keep its core together as a new consulting firm, Civis Analytics, run by Wagner and staffed by two dozen of his former employees. They share ownership with Schmidt, its sole investor.

The plan is to bring the same Big Data expertise that guided the most expensive presidential campaign in history to companies and nonprofits. “The model of innovation in technology are these very young teams that have a brand-new idea, like each other, and work incredibly hard,” says Schmidt. “Venture capitalists are competing all over for these people. When you find them, you figure out what they want to do and you back them.” Or, as Wagner puts it, “The Cave is incorporating.”

woensdag 29 mei 2013

Information Technology Abney and Associates News: The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child

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Reminiscing about the good old days when we were growing up is a memory trip well worth taking when trying to understand the issues facing the children of today. A mere 20 years ago, children used to play outside all day, riding bikes, playing sports and building forts. Masters of imaginary games, children of the past created their own form of play that didn't require costly equipment or parental supervision. Children of the past moved... a lot, and their sensory world was nature based and simple. In the past, family time was often spent doing chores, and children had expectations to meet on a daily basis. The dining room table was a central place where families came together to eat and talk about their day, and after dinner became the center for baking, crafts and homework.

Today's families are different. Technology's impact on the 21st century family is fracturing its very foundation, and causing a disintegration of core values that long ago were the fabric that held families together. Juggling school, work, home, and community lives, parents now rely heavily on communication, information, and transportation technology to make their lives faster and more efficient. Entertainment technology (TV, Internet, video games, iPads, cell phones) has advanced so rapidly, that families have scarcely noticed the significant impact and changes to their family structure and lifestyles. A 2010 Kaiser Foundation study showed that elementary aged children use on average 7.5 hours per day of entertainment technology, 75 percent of these children have TV's in their bedrooms, and 50 percent of North American homes have the TV on all day. Gone is dining room table conversation, replaced by the "big screen" and take out.

Children now rely on technology for the majority of their play, grossly limiting challenges to their creativity and imaginations, as well as limiting necessary challenges to their bodies to achieve optimal sensory and motor development. Sedentary bodies bombarded with chaotic sensory stimulation are resulting in delays in attaining child developmental milestones, with subsequent negative impact on basic foundation skills for achieving literacy. Hard-wired for high speed, today's young are entering school struggling with self regulation and attention skills necessary for learning, eventually becoming significant behavior management problems for teachers in the classroom.

So what is the impact of technology on the developing child? Children's developing sensory, motor, and attachment systems have biologically not evolved to accommodate this sedentary, yet frenzied and chaotic nature of today's technology. The impact of rapidly advancing technology on the developing child has seen an increase of physical, psychological and behavior disorders that the health and education systems are just beginning to detect, much less understand. Child obesity and diabetes are now national epidemics in both Canada and the U.S., causally related to technology overuse. Diagnoses of ADHD, autism, coordination disorder, developmental delays, unintelligible speech, learning difficulties, sensory processing disorder, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders are associated with technology overuse, and are increasing at an alarming rate. An urgent closer look at the critical factors for meeting developmental milestones, and the subsequent impact of technology on those factors, would assist parents, teachers and health professionals to better understand the complexities of this issue, and help create effective strategies to reduce technology use.

Four critical factors necessary to achieve healthy child development are movement, touch, human connection, and exposure to nature. These types of sensory inputs ensure normal development of posture, bilateral coordination, optimal arousal states and self-regulation necessary for achieving foundation skills for eventual school entry. Young children require 2-3 hours per day of active rough and tumble play to achieve adequate sensory stimulation to their vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile systems. Tactile stimulation received through touching, hugging and play is critical for the development of praxis, or planned movement patterns. Touch also activates the parasympathetic system lowering cortisol, adrenalin and anxiety. Nature and "green space" has not only a calming influence on children, but also is attention restorative and promotes learning.

Further analysis of the impact of technology on the developing child indicates that while the vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile and attachment systems are under stimulated, the visual and auditory sensory systems are in "overload." This sensory imbalance creates huge problems in overall neurological development, as the brain's anatomy, chemistry and pathways become permanently altered and impaired. Young children who are exposed to violence through TV and video games are in a high state of adrenalin and stress, as the body does not know that what they are watching is not real. Children who overuse technology report persistent body sensations of overall "shaking", increased breathing and heart rate, and a general state of "unease." This can best be described as a persistent hypervigalent sensory system, still "on alert" for the oncoming assault. While the long term effects of this chronic state of stress in the developing child are unknown, we do know that chronic stress in adults results in a weakened immune system and a variety of serious diseases and disorders.

It's important to come together as parents, teachers and therapists to help society "wake up" and see the devastating effects technology is having not only on our child's physical, psychological and behavioral health, but also on their ability to learn and sustain personal and family relationships. While technology is a train that will continually move forward, knowledge regarding its detrimental effects, and action taken toward balancing the use of technology with critical factors for development, will work toward sustaining our children. While no one can argue the benefits of advanced technology in today's world, connection to these devices may have resulted in a disconnection from what society should value most, children. Rather than hugging, playing, rough housing, and conversing with children, parents are increasingly resorting to providing their children with more TV, video games, and the latest iPads and cell phone devices, creating a deep and irreversible chasm between parent and child.

donderdag 23 mei 2013

Abney and Associates News Review: Secure Your Computer In Seven Steps

While handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets provide new ways for us to leverage technology, computers are often still the primary tool we use for our professional and personal lives. As a result, your computer, whether at work or at home, still remains a primary target for cyber criminals. By following these simple steps, you can help secure your computer and protect it against most known attacks.

The first step to a secure computer is starting with a computer you can trust. If you purchased a new computer directly from a well-known vendor, then you should be able trust it and the pre-installed software. If you have purchased a used computer, then do not trust it. The used computer may have been accidentally (or intentionally) infected by the previous owner. Trying to secure a computer that is already infected does no good. The first step you should take after acquiring a used computer is reformat the hard drive and reinstall the operating system (be sure to ask someone you trust for help if you are not sure how to do this).

The next step is updating your computer. Cyber attackers are always identifying new weaknesses in computers and their applications. When computer and software vendors learn about these new vulnerabilities, they develop and release fixes, called updates or patches, to fix the problem. When you purchase a new computer or reinstall the operating system, your computer is most likely already out of date. As such, the first step you want to take is connect to the Internet and update your computer’s operating system. Be sure that when you do connect to the Internet, your new computer is protected behind a firewall or home Wi-Fi access point. In addition, most computer operating systems, including Windows and OS X (and even many applications), have an automatic updating feature builtin. Enable automated updating to check for updates at least once a day; this helps ensure your computer will remain updated and secure. If a vendor releases a patch that you have to manually install, be sure to install it as soon as possible.

Once your computer is updated you want to ensure you have security software installed and enabled. The two most common types of security software are anti-virus and firewalls. Anti-virus helps identify infected files you may have downloaded or shared with others and stops these malicious files from harming your computer. Firewalls act like a virtual policeman; they determine who can and cannot talk to your computer. Many security vendors now offer entire security software suites that include firewall, anti-virus and other software options. You may want to consider purchasing an entire security package.

Every person that has authorized access to your computer should have their own separate account protected by a unique, strong password. Never share accounts. If this is a personal computer for home use, create a separate account for each member of your own family, especially children. This way you can apply different controls to each user (such as parental controls for your children) and track who did what. In addition, grant each user the minimum privileges they need to use the computer. Never give someone administrative access unless they absolutely need it, including yourself. Only use administrative privileges when you need them, such as to install software or changing a system configuration.

If your computer is portable, such as a laptop, you may want to consider full disk encryption (FDE). Encryption helps ensure that the data on your computer is protected even if you lose it. You may also want to ensure the computer screen is password locked, so people cannot access the system when you are away from it. Finally, some laptops now support remote location and/or wiping to help you locate a missing laptop or permanently erase sensitive data if it cannot be recovered.

No amount of technology can protect your computer against every threat. While everything we have covered so far will help secure your computer, the last element we have to secure is you, the computer user. Know and understand that bad guys are always trying to trick you. If you receive a message that seems odd or suspicious, don’t click on any links or attachments. If someone calls you telling your computer is infected and you need to install software, this is most likely a scam. In many ways you are the best defense for your computer, not technology.

Finally, even if you take all the steps we have covered, there is always a chance your computer can get hacked, have a hard drive failure or some other catastrophe. Your last defense is backups. We highly recommend you regularly backup any important information (documents, pictures, videos, etc) to either an external hard drive or use a backup Cloud service, or perhaps even both.

dinsdag 21 mei 2013

Abney and Associates News Technology Articles: Hacken Boston met stevige Dunnhumby consument-Data

Bedrijven met veel Data om te spelen met sponsoren Hack  gebeurtenissen te boren in verse analytische Talent.
"Kalmte bewaren en doorgaan met testen." De Harvard-student T-shirt slogan leek te vatten de stemming in de ijskoude kamer gevuld met gegevens crunchers. Het was gewoon een druilerige zaterdag in de buurt van MIT van Kendall Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts, waar vooral jonge mannen naar hun laptops staarde, observeren predictieve modellen parseren van gegevens die supermarkt aankopen van dingen zoals DVD's en melk. Het was gewoon een ander hackathon.

Maar dit keer het werd gesponsord door een consument-data firma hoop te bevorderen van innovaties in data-analyse, en misschien krijgen een sprong op de concurrentie als het gaat om potentiële werknemers gegevens-wetenschap oogsten. Meer en meer bedrijven met veel data om te spelen met sponsoren houwer gebeurtenissen te boren in verse analytische talent.

"Het ruikt zoals math hier," grapte Malcolm Faulds, hoofd van globale marketing bij Dunnhumby. De 24-jarige consument-data bedrijf was sponsort de houwer, een 11-uurs slog putjes kleine teams van codeurs tegen elkaar in een wedstrijd om te komen met het meest nauwkeurige model voor het voorspellen van de verkoopcijfers uit verschillende kruidenier artikelen 26 weken na de lancering.

De uitdaging was dat de teams--een mix meestal van studenten en tech ondernemers, alleen rond vijf van hen vrouwen--kregen gegevens vertegenwoordigen de eerste 13 weken van feitelijke verkoop. In tegenstelling tot hacks die culmineren in nieuwe productontwerpen of software-applicaties, was dit een consument gegevens houwer bedoeld om pesten uit nieuwe manieren van kijken naar historische verkoopgegevens.

Mijn eerste gegevens hack
"Dit is mijn eerste gegevens hack," zei Harvard studenten William Chen, de drager houden kalm T-shirt en een junior studeren statistieken. De heer Chen zei dat trad hij toe tot de houwer om te proberen sommige ingewikkeld technieken die hij heeft geleerd in de klas. Hij en zijn teamgenoot, Harvard senior gij Zhao, een natuurkunde en informatica majeur, "zoals Los puzzels op een veel te" zei mevrouw Zhao.

De gegevens die ze werkten met toonde productcategorieën zoals brood of koffie, het aantal winkels de verkoop van de producten, aantal eenheden verkocht per week, het aantal klanten die het product heeft aangeschaft en het aantal die ten minste tweemaal had gekocht. Het bleek ook klantensegmenten zoals "Shoppers op een begroting" en "Familie gericht" consumenten.

Het evenement werd georganiseerd door Hack/verminderen, een non-profit dat is een huis voor zichzelf in het landmark Kendall ketel gemaakt en Tank bedrijf gebouw, een 19e eeuwse bakstenen structuur. De organisatie, die voornamelijk uit particuliere bronnen, samen met sommige openbare dollar krijgt financiering, gehouden zijn eerste houwer in November. Het was BYOD: Breng uw eigen Dataset.

Dunnhumby verstrekt de gegevens voor de houwer--ongeveer 100.000 rijen van het. De uitdaging was "om te helpen voorspellen hoe goed dat product gaat doen in de toekomst dus de leveranciers en detailhandelaren hun marketing strategie en ook hun levering model aanpassen kunnen," zei Yael Cosset, globale CIO van Dunnhumby, erop wijzend dat CPG merken behoefte om te meten product zo spoedig mogelijk lanceringen.

Het bedrijf is van plan uit te voeren van de ster algoritmen gemaakt tijdens de kappen op zijn eigen grote gegevensset om te zien hoe ze kunnen worden opgenomen in de huidige prognose modellen.

dinsdag 14 mei 2013

FBI Warns of Online Scams - an abney associates news flash


FBI warns of online scams seeking cash for marathon victims
Heartless cyber swindlers have already set up as many as 100 bogus websites seeking money for the marathon bombing victims, while Internet trolls are using the attacks to spread computer viruses, prompting a pointed warning today from the feds.
“Individuals need to be aware of emerging fraud online associated with the explosions and how to take necessary precautions when using email and social networking websites,” a statement from the Federal Bureau of Investigation read today. “The FBI has received indications that individuals may be using social media and email to facilitate fraudulent activities online.”
A fake “Boston Marathon” Twitter account was created “soon after the explosions” that falsely claimed every tweet received to the account would result in a dollar donated to the victims. The account was pulled by Twitter.
The FBI also said more than 125 “questionable” Internet domains already have been registered which could be used for “fraudulent purposes.”
There are also spam emails flooding the web using the words “Boston Marathon” that are spreading computer viruses by uploading malware or spyware to unwitting users who open the messages.
“Based on previous disasters, cyber criminals may use this event as a means to further illegal activity to gain personally identifiable information,” the warning states.
The FBI warned people looking to donate to victims to research the charities and call authorities if they discover anything suspicious. The agency also warned the public to “be skeptical of charity names similar to but not exactly the same as reputable charities” and not to donate using money transfer services.

zondag 5 mei 2013

Abney Associates Technology News: 5 burning tech questions answered

You've got tech questions, we've found the answers. We help you make the most of your technology by answering your thorniest tech questions. So if you're wondering what to buy, how to plug it in, or how to fix it, we can help.

Can Facebook videos be a scam?
Q. I tried to watch a video on Facebook, but it didn't work. It made me install a new driver and then still didn't play the video. What gives?
A. I doubt that was a real video at all. This is a scam that is common on Facebook. The post looks like a really interesting or scandalous video. When you click it, it asks you to install a driver to watch it. What you actually download is usually a junk file or a virus. When you try to install the "driver," you share the scam video with all your friends so they'll be tricked. When you see a video on Facebook, do a search for the video on YouTube or Google. If you can't find the video, it's probably a scam. You can also see if the scam has been reported on sites like Facecrooks and Snopes.

Remove a stubborn virus
Q. I have a virus that my regular anti-virus software can't remove. How can I get rid of it?
A. To start, make sure your anti-virus software is up to date. Without regular updates, your anti-virus can miss the latest threats. Now, start your computer in Safe Mode - you can do this by pressing and holding F8 during startup. Run the scan again to see if the program catches the virus. If it doesn't, try a scan with another program, like MalwareBytes. If that doesn't work, you might have to use a last-ditch virus remover like AVG's Rescue CD. If none of these solutions work, you will need to wipe the hard drive and reinstall Windows.

Will my smartphone work overseas?
Q. I'm taking a trip to Europe and I'd like to bring along my smartphone. How do I know if it will work overseas?
A. Europe typically uses GSM-based cellular networks. In the past, AT&T and T-Mobile were the only major carriers with GSM networks, so if you used Verizon or Sprint, which had CDMA networks, you were out of luck. Now, all four of the big U.S. carriers have "world" or "international" phones that work on both network styles. Talk to your carrier to find out if your phone is an international phone. Your carrier might even offer discounted international rates that save some of the pain of international roaming. If not, KeepGo can rent you a phone designed to work in your destination. If you want to save money, use apps like Skype or Viber over Wi-Fi for cheap or free international calls.

Easily clean unwanted programs off your PC
Q. I just bought a new PC, and it's already loaded with programs I don't want. Is there an easy way to remove them?
A. It's unfortunate that manufacturers pre-load PCs with trial programs you don't want. This "bloatware" slows down your system from the get-go. You could remove it using Windows' built-in uninstaller, but a better solution is a program like PC Decrapifier. It can search your system and identify common bloatware, which makes it easier to remove. Just be sure you don't remove any programs you want.

Preserve your precious home videos
Q. My old VHS home video tapes are starting to fade. How can I preserve them?
A. Even with good storage practices, VHS tapes aren't going to last forever, especially if you play them often. It's a good idea to convert them to digital files, which won't fade. You can find VHS converters online that hook your VCR to your computer to make digital copies. You can store the movie files on your computer, upload them to YouTube or turn them into DVDs. All you need are some blank DVDs, a DVD-RW drive (most computers have these) and a DVD authoring program like DVD Flick. For safety, it's a good idea to store the video files in multiple places.

donderdag 18 april 2013

Internet Warning Abney and Associates Article: Symantec warns - Livejournal

Symantec has uncovered a cyber scam duping victims into handing over their financial information using a bogus security guidance web page.
The security firm reported uncovering the phishing scam in a blog post on Wednesday. The scam targets its victims using a bogus message masquerading as a security alert from a legitimate, unnamed credit card service provider.
"In March, we discovered a phishing site spoofing a popular credit card services company that asked users for confidential information, allegedly for additional security," wrote Symantec's Mathew Maniyara.
The message instructed its victims to disclose sensitive banking information that could be used by the attackers to illegally access their finances.
"The phishing site prompts users through a three-step procedure for activating their card and adding higher security. The first step asks users for personal and card-related information," wrote Maniyara.

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dinsdag 2 april 2013

Kalibrera USA Cyber ansträngningar | international abney and associates reviews on cyber

I diskussionerna om cyberhot som fortsätta och utöka dagligen, finns det en tendens att klumpa ihop alla typer av hot oavsett där de faller på skalan. Denna brist på precision medför konsekvenser, varav en är att det hindrar oss från att fokusera på de högsta slut hot som ska behärska vår största uppmärksamhet. Om du vill flytta fram snyggt, behöver Förenta staterna ett sätt att tänka om olika hot aktörer som tolkar och gör åtskillnad mellan mellan och bland dem, enligt de betydande sätt där de kan variera. Sådan en typologi skulle hjälpa amerikanska beslutsfattare bättre rack och stapla hotet, och svara därefter. Tänk på att inte alla hackar eller hackare, och alla aktörer, är de samma.

Nationalstater--särskilt Kina, Ryssland, Iran och Nordkorea--utgör high-end cyber-hot mot amerikanska hemland, men staterna varierar mycket i sin förfining, kapacitet, avsikt, motivation, tradecraft och dess tillämpning. Förenta staterna bör fokusera sina resurser på detta high-end hot spektrum, och därmed, bör fokusera på aktörer och deras beteenden, snarare än på teknik eller på medel och formerna för attack. Detta innebär att gräva djupare i detaljerna, och factoring av fall Detaljer om varje av våra motståndare i en skräddarsydd amerikanska svar som utformats för att avskräcka, hindra och tvinga dem.

Medan mer sofistikerade och mer beslutsamma än andra amerikanska motståndare i cyber-domänen, måste även dessa fyra skådespelare vara distingerad och differentierade i viktiga variabler. Kina och Ryssland är till exempel djupt engagerade i CNE--Iran och Nordkorea är mer sannolikt att vända sig till CNA, trots saknar nivån på kapacitet som Kina och Ryssland äger. Observera dock att linjen mellan CNE och CNA är tunn, vrida till stor del frågan om uppsåt. Med andra ord om en skådespelare kan utnyttja, kan som skådespelare också attackera.

I den utsträckning som Förenta staterna gör framsteg avgränsar och skilja mellan och bland aktörer dessutom, är det viktigt att komma ihåg att denna bedömning är en steady-state en.

Summan av kardemumman är att USA bör du kalibrera sina cyber ansträngningar för att bättre kunna möta hot spektrumet som finns-- och så USA bör balansera noga och kraftfull offensiv och defensiv, till att omfatta ett aktivt försvar komponent och en välutvecklad och välartikulerade cyber avskräckande strategi. En mer nyanserad inställning till förstå hotet, samt att svara på det, skulle tjäna USA väl. För mer information, se detta vittnesbörd fram före representanthuset, kommittén för Homeland Security underutskottet för cybersäkerhet, skydd av infrastruktur och säkerhetstekniker, som del av förra veckan utfrågning på "Cyber hoten från Kina, Ryssland och Iran: skyddet av kritisk infrastruktur."

woensdag 27 maart 2013

Lancement de l'unité nationale sur la cybercriminalité| an abney and associates international reviews


La connectivité inégalée de l'ère numérique a créé des énormes avantages socioéconomiques. Quatre sur chaque cinq maisons au Royaume-Uni ont accès à l'internet ; les deux cinquièmes des adultes sont des utilisateurs de smartphone et, en moyenne, chaque ménage a trois types d'appareil compatible internet. Mais l'omniprésence de la technologie a apporté avec elle des défis nouveaux pour la sécurité en ligne. Une forte augmentation des menaces du cyberespace a mis à rude épreuve la capacité des organismes à maintenir une vulnérabilité des systèmes de gestion mis à jour. Clairement, l'avance sur cyberhazards de plus en plus sophistiqués et complexes est un défi pour les décideurs qui cherchent à préserver notre bien-être économique.
Il y a des signes que le gouvernement est conscient du problème croissant de la cybercriminalité, quand il a récemment annoncé qu'une unité nationale sur la cybercriminalité devait être établi au sein de l'Agence nationale de la criminalité. Lors du lancement de l'appareil, le ministre de la sécurité, James Brokenshire, dit que ce serait un seul plomb UK pour lutter contre la cybercriminalité ; fournir une réponse d'enquête spécialisée et rapide-temps afin d'éliminer les possibilités de la cybercriminalité, notamment grâce à une collaboration étroite avec des partenaires tels que les agences de renseignement.
Ce dernier développement dans la lutte contre la cybercriminalité est une bonne nouvelle pour les industries dont les services centrées sur la sécurité du réseau. Avec le coût de la cybercriminalité à l'économie britannique, estimée à des milliards de livres par an et entreprises britanniques portent le fardeau de ce type de crime, les menaces de plus en plus complexes montrent peu de signes de ralentissement. Mobilité, cloud, virtualisation, prolifération de point de terminaison et d'autres tendances réseautage évoluent, ils ouvriront la voie pour encore plus de possibilités grandes données et d'analyse pour les entreprises. Mais il y a des problèmes de sécurité autour des données volumineuses qui compliquent les exigences en matière de sécurité, en raison du volume de données et de diverses façons dans laquelle on peut y accéder.
Compte tenu de cet accroissement de la menace, d'autres efforts déployés par les responsables des politiques à mener la charge contre e-criminels sont musique aux oreilles des industries à la fine pointe de l'économie numérique. Bien sûr, il n'est pas seulement pour le gouvernement de conduire ces efforts ; Il faut aussi un fardeau sur les entreprises elles-mêmes à se tenir au courant des menaces émergentes dans l'espace numérique et se protéger. Mais il y a un rôle à jouer dans ce processus, non pas dans le sens réglementaire mais pour sensibiliser les consommateurs et l'industrie de l'importance de la sécurité du réseau.
Nous voyons également un rôle pour les décideurs en partageant les meilleures pratiques sur les menaces à travers le monde et en aidant les efforts par le biais de financement de la recherche pour rester au courant des développements. Il y a également un rôle essentiel pour le gouvernement en assurant l'application agressive des lois sur la cybercriminalité et à assurer la coopération avec les organisations actives dans des domaines complémentaires, y compris le maintien de l'ordre et la sécurité nationale.
À travers le Royaume-Uni, administrations décentralisées ont également été conduite l'ordre du jour de la cybercriminalité. Le modèle gallois – e-Crime au pays de Galles – est un exemple d'une initiative des secteurs public et privé, menée par une unité désignée au sein du gouvernement gallois, qui exploite la perspicacité d'experts de l'industrie, les universités et les entreprises.
E-Crime au pays de Galles a réuni quatre policiers gallois et est titulaire d'un sommet annuel de la cybercriminalité au cours de laquelle les plus grands spécialistes, y compris les employés de l'ex-FBI, partagent leurs connaissances. L'unité accueille également une suite complète d'outils téléchargeables, pratiques que les entreprises peuvent utiliser – allant d'une politique de l'internaute acceptable pour le personnel d'un manuel de « prévenir la cybercriminalité pour les nuls ». Plus de la moitié des entreprises qui ont interagi avec le rapport d'initiative du pays de Galles cybercriminalité mettre e-sécurité plus élevée sur leurs priorités opérationnelles en conséquence. Ce travail s'est avéré un tel succès que l'Écosse emboîté le pas avec sa propre version – Ecosse cybercriminalité.
Ciblage des campagnes d'information par les gouvernements de cette façon sont essentiels à ces efforts, particulièrement destinées aux entreprises qui sont connus pour être réticent à la criminalité en ligne rapport par peur d'exposer la vulnérabilité.
Il y a encore beaucoup de travail à faire dans ce domaine pour connaître les étapes simples qui peuvent être prises pour protéger contre la cybercriminalité en voiture, mais il est positif de voir les gouvernements à travers le Royaume-Uni en réponse à cet ordre du jour. L'annonce de par la nouvelle unité cybercriminalité devrait envoyer un message clair aux cyber-criminels que leurs tentatives visant à compromettre la sécurité rencontre significative de contrer les tentatives et qu'investissement ciblé.

woensdag 27 februari 2013

Internet International Warning, Abney Associates Review: Scam varning som tillhandahålls


En välbekant bluff har återuppstått i Washington Parish, och en Bogalusa bosatt är varning människor inte att falla för den.
Jimmy Underwood sade han nyligen fick ett samtal från en person med utländsk brytning, som berättade för honom hade han vunnit $2,5 miljoner och att någon skulle komma från Lafayette på eftermiddagen att presentera honom med sina vinster.
Dock Underwood var misstänksam och "typ av tänkte att det var en bluff rätt utanför bat," han låter anroparen fortsätta. Underwood gavs ett spårningsnummer, tillgång kodnummer och säkerhet kodnummer och tillsagd att gå till en butik för att få en grön Dot MoneyPack kort och lägga till $1.000 i den. Uppringaren sa utmärkelsen $2,5 miljoner var juridiska, hade godkänts av den federala regeringen, och att alla skatter hade tagits. Han försett Underwood med ett telefonnummer och berättade för honom att kalla det och be om Jimmy White efter han hade kortet.
Underwood var nära en Walgreens, så han gick in och ifyllt manager på telefonsamtalet. Chefen sa att det var en bluff, att den som ringt var sannolikt från Jamaica, och att någon annan hade kommit att rapportera samma sak.
Ungefär 10 minuter senare ringde ringer Underwood igen, frågar varför han inte hade kallas tillbaka. Underwood sa till honom att det var en bluff och att det inte var berättigat. Anroparen försäkrade honom var det inte ett skämt, men Underwood berättade för honom att ge pengar till någon annan.
Jag sa, "Om jag vann pengar, hur kommer jag behöva betala $1,000?" "
Underwood fick veta att han inte skulle verkligen att lägga några pengar, eftersom han skulle få $1000 tillbaka i form av ett presentkort.
När han senare försökte telefonnumret hade han fått för "Jimmy White," samma man svarade.
En annan blivande bedragare kallas Underwood måndag morgon. Anroparen var en kvinna, och hennes accent var tjockare och svårare att förstå. Hon berättade Underwood han hade godkänts för en $9,000 statligt bidrag, men han informerade henne om han inte hade ansökt om något bidrag. Han frågade henne att upprepa saker, och så småningom hon fick förvärras och hängde upp, sade han.
Den gröna pricken hemsida, www.moneypak. com, ger varningar om vilka typer av bedrägerier som Underwood. Bland bedrägeri-förebyggande tips som tillhandahålls är, "Avvisa ett erbjudande där du ombeds att köpa en MoneyPak och dela via e-post eller telefon nummer eller mottagande information."
"Använd inte MoneyPak betala skatter eller avgifter för att få"vinster"i ett utländskt lotteri eller pris främjande," tipsen fortsätter. "Om det inte är en godkänd MoneyPak partner, Använd inte MoneyPak för ett erbjudande där du måste betala innan du får artikeln."

zondag 24 februari 2013

Abney and Associates: Twitter debuterer DMARC For Twitter.com e-postadresser, håper å bremse svindelforsøk (Phishing) - skyrock

abney and associates technology warning hong kong

Twitter torsdag kunngjorde sin nye bruk av DMARC teknologi. Selskapet håper plattformen vil avta cyber kriminelle fra å bruke falske Twitter.com e-postadresse. Cyber kriminelle forfalske sin egen e-postadresse slik at mottakere tror de mottar en bekreftet e-post fra Twitter.
Når en bruker mener de mottar offisielle Twitter korrespondanse er de mer sannsynlig å oppgi personopplysninger til phishing scam kunstnere.
I et innlegg på den offisielle Twitter bloggen skriver selskapet:
"Uten å bli for teknisk, DMARC løser et par langvarig operativ, distribusjon og rapportering problemer knyttet til e-post godkjenningsprotokoller. Den bygger på etablerte godkjenningsprotokoller (DKIM og SPF) for å gi e-postleverandører en måte å blokkere e-post fra smidde domener som dukker opp i innbokser. Og som i sin tur reduserer risiko brukere ansiktet av feilaktig utdeling personopplysninger. Hvis du er interessert i en mer teknisk forklaring, finner du det her."
Twitter faktisk begynte å bruke DMARC i begynnelsen av februar, men valgte å vise frem teknologien etter Jeep og Burger King hadde sine Twitter-kontoer hacket.
DMARC teknologi er allerede implementert for AOL, Gmail, Hotmail/Outlook og Yahoo! Mail.
DMARC er fortsatt en ung teknologi, men mer e-plattformer er ventet å adoptere teknologien i nær fremtid.
Nå hvis vi kunne bare ha en passende form for to-trinns godkjenning på Twitter ville vi være fullt imponert.
abney and associates technology warning hong kong



vrijdag 15 februari 2013

Abney Associates Internet Technology Spain: Obama’s Cybersecurity Executive Order Falls Short

In his State of the Union address, President Obama announced that he had signed an executive order (EO) on cybersecurity. The order uses a standard-setting approach to improve cybersecurity. However, such a model will only impose costs, encourage compliance over security, keep the U.S. tied to past threats, and threaten innovation.
While the EO does take some positive steps in the area of information sharing, these steps are hamstrung by the EO’s inability to provide critical incentives such as liability protection. As a result, this order could result in few modest changes, or it could result in substantial negative effects.

The Scope of the Order
The EO uses a very broad definition of critical infrastructure, defining it as “systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters.”
Such a broad definition could be understood to include systems normally considered outside the cybersecurity conversation, such as agriculture. While there is no way of knowing how far implementation will actually go, this broad definition is certainly concerning.
Inhibited Information Sharing
In Section 4, the EO attempts to expand information sharing in several noteworthy ways. It calls for the federal government to quickly move unclassified information to the private sector and increase the number of security clearances given to appropriate owners of covered infrastructure. Additionally, the EO expands already existing information-sharing systems such as the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Enhanced Cyber Services and Cyber Security/Information Assurance Program. These objectives are worthwhile, and the President should be applauded for including them.
However, these worthwhile pursuits will not be very effective because the EO must rely completely on existing authorities. Essentially, it directs government agencies to do a better job of sharing information than they already are. And where it does expand programs, such as with the DIB, these efforts will not be effective without additional incentives and protections to get more businesses involved. These include liability, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and regulatory-use protections.
The problem is that the EO cannot provide these important protections—they can be created only by Congress. As a result, many businesses will be reluctant to share their information for fear that their proprietary information could be endangered by a FOIA request or that an honest mistake might lead to a lawsuit being filed against them. Regarding other private-to-private or private-to-government solutions, the EO is silent.
Although the information-sharing provisions are limited, the privacy protections for this limited sharing are actually where they should be. The EO calls for consultation with privacy officers and oversight reports on the order’s implementation. While some may find this provision weak, effective oversight is the best way to respect privacy concerns while not limiting information sharing that enhances the nation’s security.

maandag 4 februari 2013

An Abney and Associates International Blog: As the Dow Soars, How High Can Tech Stocks Go?

Last Friday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average — the benchmark stock index of America’s blue chip companies – closed above 14,000 for the first time since the financial meltdown sent the U.S. economy into the worst crisis in decades. The continued resurgence of the U.S. auto industry and growing optimism about the overall economy helped propel the Dow above the psychologically important 14,000 point level. The surging Dow is an indication of the increasing financial health of the largest American companies, a bright spot in an otherwise shaky U.S. economic recovery, particularly with respect to unemployment.
America’s blue chip firms — including industrial giants, banks, and auto companies — are healthier than they’ve been in years. But what about the largest U.S. tech companies? Like the other major stock indices, the tech-heavy Nasdaq index is at or near multi-year highs. On Friday alone, the Nasdaq rose 1%, nearly touching the index’s five-year high, which it hit last September, driven in part by tech juggernaut Apple, which had just released the iPhone 5. But Wall Street sentiment has soured on Apple in recent months, somewhat tempering the Nasdaq’s continued ascent.
How high can tech stocks go? Given Apple’s size — it’s the largest tech company in the world — it makes sense to begin any forward-looking evaluation of the Nasdaq with the Cupertino, Calif.-based cash machine. Apple constitutes about 12% of the Nasdaq’s valuation, and there’s no question the company’s recent stock swoon has placed a drag on the tech-heavy index. Let’s take a look at Apple and three other important Nasdaq companies.
Two weeks ago, for the third consecutive quarter, Apple fell short of analyst estimates, sending the company’s stock down 10% in after-hours trading, wiping out nearly $50 billion in shareholder value. Although it reported record financial results, Apple’s slowing growth rate has spooked investors, who are growing increasingly concerned about the next stage in the company’s epic story.
Can Apple maintain its heretofore astonishing growth-rate on the back of existing products like the iPhone and the iPad or does the company need new, breakthrough products? Investors seem to think the latter, which explains why its stock has declined 26% over the last six months. As the largest single component of the Nasdaq index, Apple’s continued growth is crucial for the tech-heavy stock tracker.
If there’s a true standout among big tech stocks, it’s clearly Internet titan Google, which hit a record high on Friday, closing up 2.6% to $775.60, the highest value since the company went public in August 2004, according to Bloomberg. As rival Apple has stumbled, Google shares have increased 30% over the last year. Google now has a market capitalization of $250 billion, with $50 billion cash on hand. Not bad for a 15-year-old academic project.
Last month, Google reported strong revenue growth, as the online advertising market keeps shifting away from traditional ad platforms — including print — and toward Internet-based marketing. This trend will continue indefinitely, and as the world’s largest Internet advertising company, Google is perfectly poised to capitalize here.
Another bright spot for the Nasdaq is social media colossus Facebook. After a rough few months following the company’s controversial initial public offering, Facebook shares have soared over 30% in the last three months. Last month, Facebook delivered a strong earnings report, with mobile revenue surging from 0% to 23% of total revenue in just one year. That’s another figure that will only increase.
“Today there is no argument,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told Wall Street analysts. “Facebook is a mobile company.” The company’s overall ad sales growth is booming, increasing in the fourth quarter by 41% to $1.3 billion. As the largest of the new class of Nasdaq’s stocks, Facebook’s continued success is crucial for the tech-heavy index, which endured withering criticism of its handling of the IPO.
If the Nasdaq has a compelling underdog story right now, it’s a company called Blackberry, formerly known as Research in Motion. (Why it took so many years for the company to make this obvious branding change is beyond me.) Practically left for dead just six months ago, Blackberry is up a whopping 49.6% over the last three months. Last week, Blackberry unveiled its long-awaited Blackberry 10 operating system, and unveiled two slick-looking new Blackberry phones.
Taking several pages from the Apple/Google playbook, Blackberry announced a marketplace for music and movies, and an app catalog that will include more than 70,000 apps at launch, as TIME’s Techland reported. Blackberry shares are still down over 80% since their 2008 peak, but if the company can launch a product that genuinely competes with Apple and Google, that will be good for the tech sector, because competition spurs innovation, and innovation drives the Nasdaq.
It’s important to remember that the health of stock market indices does not necessarily correspond with the overall health of the U.S. economy. In fact, there’s frequently little connection at all. Stock markets are driven by corporate profits, which seem increasingly disconnected from the health of the U.S. consumer, a key driver of the economy. Still, rising corporate revenues, profits, and stock prices are an unambiguously good sign for the U.S. economy. And tech companies are a key element of overall U.S. corporate health.
What drives tech revenues and profits? Consumer and corporate spending. There’s no doubt that investors have grown skittish about Apple, which is weighing on the Nasdaq. But overall, U.S. stock market indices and other key economic measures appear to be contributing to a virtuous cycle — however halting — that will ultimately benefit investors.

vrijdag 1 februari 2013


Leet speak has its origins from the IRC chat culture and was believed to be born from the need of geeks and hackers to develop a way to avoid censorship and detection in their communications online. The language is characterized by intended grammatical errors, mix usage of numbers, signs and letters (a combination of lower and uppercase letters). Comparable to an industry jargon, leet speak often signifies group affiliations and makes it easy to spot a n00b (newbie) in a room full of pros.

zaterdag 5 januari 2013

Abney Associates: OSHA Instructors

bill abney and associates, abney associates
Bill Abney is a retired Assistant Professor in the Fire and Safety Engineering Technology Program at Eastern Kentucky University. He has a B.S. in Industrial Technology and an M.S. in Industrial Technology, both from Eastern Kentucky University. With over 30 years in safety education, Mr. Abney specializes in safety management and research; fire, arson, and explosives investigation; OSHA compliance; ergonomics; and hazardous materials.
Jim Beck has thirty-six years of experience in the industrial and residential construction industry, with primary emphasis on safety and training. Mr. Beck has been teaching adult safety education since 1983. During his career, he has been employed by various companies with duties ranging from laborer to project superintendent. Mr. Beck has developed and presented adult education program with heavy emphasis on safety training for the construction industry as well as contract training for representatives of DOD, DOE and the EPA. As the Director of Safety and Health for a group of construction companies, Mr. Beck was responsible for OSHA, DOT and EPA compliance.
Gary Brown is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Health at Eastern Kentucky University. He has a B.A. in Liberal Science from the State University of New York, an M.S. in Environmental and Occupational Health from Hunter College, and a Dr.P.H. in Occupational Safety and Health from the University of Alabama. Dr. Brown is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and has many professional affiliations, including being past president of the Association of environmental health Academic Programs (AEHAP) and current Undergraduate Mentor for AEHAP. He has over 20 years consulting experience in the environmental, industrial hygiene, and safety arenas.
Tom Edwards has over thirty-two years safety and health experience and is the owner of Edwards & Associates, LLC, a safety and industrial hygiene consulting and training firm, which he started in 2003. Prior to that, Mr. Edwards practiced industrial hygiene for the Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Program for over 26 years, serving as an Industrial Hygiene Compliance Officer, a Safety and Health Specialist, and ultimately as the Industrial Hygiene Program Manager for the Division of Education and Training. He previously served as a part-time Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Health Science at Eastern Kentucky University teaching industrial toxicology and industrial hygiene. Mr. Edwards holds a B.S. degree in chemistry from Eastern Kentucky University and a M.S. degree in industrial hygiene from the University of Central Missouri. He is certified in Comprehensive Practice by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene. Read more at this site: http://osha.eku.edu/osha-instructors